UFO October 2024

challenge organizing slow living stitching ufo october Oct 01, 2024
UFO October

Are unfinished objects taking over your creative space and making it harder to start new projects?

The world of Zen Stitching is filled with folks who are idea machines, dabblers, and who see potential in everything. And what a wonderful way to be, with creativity all around! But when unfinished projects start accumulating and taking up your mental (not to mention physical!) space, it can be a good idea to take some time to assess, organize, and evaluate those projects and your interest in them. After all, your brain space is valuable, and you deserve to create in a peaceful space - both in your head and in your home.

Enter: UFO October, the month-long Sashiko Stitch Club event centred around reclaiming your space, energy, and peace of mind from your unfinished objects.

We held our first UFO October last year, and I learned that there are plenty of artists and crafters in need of some help taming their UFOs. Even if you aren't overwhelmed by them, just about everyone can benefit from having a look at the works in progress they haven't picked up in a while. After seeing how much this event resonated with the community, of course we had to make it an annual event - which means it's time for another round! 

Open to members of the Sashiko Stitch Club, this year's UFO October will offer...

  • Bite-sized weekly videos to give you a starting point and framework for the event
  • Downloadable worksheets to go with the weekly videos
  • Weekly Zoom meetings to provide accountability, space for sharing, and dedicated time to work on projects
  • Prompts for every weekday to help us stay accountable & that you can use to share your progress on social media
  • Downloadable Progress Tracker to accompany the prompts

Throughout the month, we'll be releasing a video each week to get you motivated and thinking about your unfinished projects and how you can approach them. Each week will have a topic or theme to work on, including setting our expectations for the month, sorting through our projects, creating space, making a plan, and, of course, the final results. The Instagram prompts will line up with the topics to keep you on track, and we even have downloadable PDF worksheets to help you make the most of the challenge!

There are a myriad of benefits to this month-long challenge - for one, the timing works out perfectly to clear space for next month's Making Zen, or to finish up any holiday gifts you might have in the works! Not only do you get these physical benefits, but there is a mental unburdening as well when we don't have these projects on our minds. Not to mention, the worksheets are so helpful in learning about ourselves and how we approach our creativity. Just look at some of these comments:


How to join:

UFO October is open to members of the Sashiko Stitch Club, my online membership that focuses on gentleness and peace of mind via Sashiko-inspired slow stitching. Along with access to this event, members get:

  • A new Sashiko stitch each month
  • Access to a library of 50+ stitches
  • Community meet-ups on Zoom
  • Workshops with guest speakers
  • Access to Sashiko for Beginners and Sashiko Masterclass ($600 value)
  • Special discounts and bonuses
  • Challenges and prizes

To make this all more accessible, there's a special UFO October offer for you to try out the Sashiko Stitch Club for $12 USD for your first month - regular price is $24 USD per month. You can join UFO October here! Not interested in becoming a member? We'd still love for you to grab the prompt calendar up above and join in on social media with #UFOOctober24!

Whether we're finishing projects from years past, or letting go of the ones that are no longer bringing us joy, I'm looking forward to seeing you this October for a month of creating space and community.

Hi, I'm Kate!

I am a strong believer in starting where you are and using what you have, wherever and whatever that may be.

Everyone should get to experience the joy of connecting to others through learning, experimenting, and creating.

Creativity doesn’t have to be expensive or wasteful. Whether we’re using natural materials, reusing materials, or shopping our own stashes first, creating mindfully goes beyond being present in the moment - it extends to being mindful of our environment and the other communities around us, too.