Seven easy steps to a Zen day
Mar 27, 2020
With most of us being encouraged to self isolate at the moment and to work from home when we can - the change of lifestyle can impact our creativity and productivity. Whilst most of us dream of working from home, now it has become a reality, and perhaps, for some, it is not what we anticipated.
As someone who has been self employed for a number of years, I work from home the majority of the time. I have found that sticking to a routine helps me stay focused and get stuff done. (Even when I would much rather be mindlessly scrolling through instagram and watching cute cat videos!) And I have found that having a routine during these difficult times helps keep the normalcy when things are anything but normal out there.
It all begins with my morning routine which helps me increase my productivity and sets me up for a positive day. I like to get up an hour earlier than my household. This gives me space in my day to think and plan before life gets busy. I also put this time to good use by either reading a book or learning something online. I find it really helpful to spend some time planning my day ahead, and if I have anything stuck in my thoughts, journalling is a positive way to work through it.
The older I get, the more I have come to realise how important exercise is for my overall health. When the weather is bad and I can't get outside for a daily walk, I will do some tabata sets to get the blood flowing, or follow an online dance routine (It's a bit of fun to follow along, listen to some fun music and laugh at myself for being so uncoordinated :) . I always ensure I do a 10min yoga session to stretch and get my body moving.
I always make time for some creativity, even if its just 10 mins of stitching. My ultimate guide to sashiko stitching can also assist you to achieve some zen in the morning :)
I like to do this all before 9am and be ready for a day of work. This means I shower, and dress in ‘work’ clothes (ie not pjs) and I must go to my desk to work (this means I am in my ‘office‘) and ready for the day ahead.
Some of my favourite apps to help with these things include:
Headspace (they have a free 10 day version you can download which is a great place to start for beginners)
Depak Chopra and Oprah have re-released their 21 day meditation on Finding Hope in Uncertain Times.
- I really like Yoga with Kassandra. She has a number of 10 minute morning stretches that are perfect for getting the blood flowing and movement back into my limbs after a good night’s sleep
- With the current suggestion to stay inside as much as possible (and particularly on snowy days for me) I have also started doing tabata. Tabata training is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, featuring exercises that last four minutes. Simply google ‘tabata’ to find a wide selection.
- And if the idea of jumping around to get the blood flowing is not appealing, how about some dancing instead? There are lots of dance workout videos on YouTube too.
Do you have a morning routine? Id love to hear what you like to do to ensure the start of a great day?
Leave your comments below!